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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Woodlands secondary

Dear reader,
As you can see, Our cca have a exchange program with woodlands secondary. After listen intently to the song they play. My mood suddenly sank. Their playing was far off better than ours. That's what I think. They move together in a systematically way. I was really shocked by it. Relatively, I enjoy the song they play too. Expression was there. The room was filled with their nice playing.
When It was our turn, We done it terribly. To my surprise, joey cried. The Cca com told us that we must move and asked us what we want to take? Obviously everyone wants a gold medal. The way the acts was like idotitc. Fancy Tiffany laugh and able to joke with me without failing to notice that it isn't that comical.
Lesson for today was quite fast. PE, Wei lin went for 2.4km run. Not bad. 16.** Luckily she didn't fail or else I will chop her head down.
Time is running short. Yesterday was damn dreadful. I eventually have to finished all the coursework leaving no time for me to practice my english comprehension. Even if I do, I may not even know how to do it.
ok. got to go ..

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