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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

1st July 2008

Dear Viewer,
It's the start of the new month. Terrible and Great month ahead. Many things will be happening in just that one month. The completing of F&N coursework B through this whole month, Chinese O-level Oral. I am sick during the past few weeks but I think I am getting well soon. There will be a Temperature takings Tomorrow. Let's wished my temperatures would break the records of the day.
Many things happen during the past few days and I am unable to post because I'm kind of unwilling to use the computer. One major matters is I lose weight. The PE teacher told me that I have lose weight and this is a great news to me because I have not being losing weight these year.
Left with 91 Days to O'S.

Oh yes, there was some nonsense people tagging my blog name itself as someone. If you want to tag me, why can't you just leave your name out and further more talking about some stupid name called Jonathan. NO. I don't have any friend by this name. Although I only heard one of this name from my Primary school, but I am no friend of him. And how on earth did I know another person whose name is johnathan. WHO is JOHNATHAN? STUPID NAME!!!

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