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Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Are You Tolerating?
Are you putting up with tolerations that are constantly annoying you? We all have things that get in our way and keep us from living our finest life. Do you know what drains you and what gives you energy? Take a look at the main areas of home, work and family and get ready to zap some tolerations at lightening speed!
We all have annoyances in our homes that drive us crazy. You probably know how frustrating it is when you can’t find your scissors or a pen and scratch paper anywhere when you need them. Are you wading through too much clutter? Do you know what is in your refrigerator? You may even be living with a huge toleration such as disliking your geographic location. ? Do you have a stack of papers that need to be filed?
When things get out of hand in our homes, we tend to become unfocused and exhausted.

TOLERATIONS IN RELATIONSHIPS: Relationship tolerations can become a huge drain in our lives and can create a great deal of friction. Do you find yourself in a one-way relationship where you give more time and energy to someone than they give back to you? Do you associate mainly with people who totally drain you? Do you find that you have no time to do the things in life that bring you pleasure because others demand too much of you? When was the last time you communicated with important family members and friends? How many friends and family do you touch base with only through an annual holiday letter?
Take some time to evaluate the important relationships in your life and set aside time to nurture them. When someone is on your mind, pick up the phone and call them. If they are on your mind, there might be a good reason for it. Perhaps you need to take a little more time in the evening to play with your children or spend time with your partner.
To live a toleration-free life, you will find yourself becoming content, beginning to relax more, and having more fun. Getting rid of those tolerations can be uncomfortable at times, especially when it deals with other people. Boundaries have to be set and needs met. Self discipline will come into play at times, and it’s not always easy.

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